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Create Excel table in AutoCAD 2005 AutoXlsTable3.0

Create Excel table in AutoCAD 2005 AutoXlsTable3.0

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Create Excel table in AutoCAD 2005 Publisher's Description

AutoXlsTable 3.0 is a higher version against 2.53.
AutoXlsTable fully integrates Excel into AutoCAD/Microstation / IntelliCAD . It can create table in AutoCAD/Microstation / IntelliCADor import Excel spreadsheet into those CAD environment. You can edit the imported table and keep it updated to original Excel spreadsheet. Besides, you can perform block/area/length real-time calculation.Great for creating BOM & Schedule.
Key Features
Create table in AutoCAD/MicroStation / IntelliCADwith Excel
- Import Excel spreadsheet into AutoCAD/MicroStation / IntelliCAD
- Update table to its original Excel spreadsheet
- What you see in Excel is what you get in AutoCAD/MicroStation / IntelliCAD
- Override Excel text style/size/color with that of AutoCAD/MicroStation / IntelliCAD
- Block quantity calculation
- Area/length calculation

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